CDT stands for Current Dental Terminology, a standardized set of HIPAA dental procedure codes maintained by the American Dental Association (ADA). Understanding CDT codes and terminology is essential for accurately reporting each dental procedure when submitting...
An efficient and accurate billing process is essential for the financial stability of a dental practice and for ensuring that patients receive the care they need without unnecessary delays or confusion. However, managing billing in-house can be a complex and...
Dental insurance verification and reimbursement for core buildups can be challenging. Dental offices and dental billing companies must be up to date with CDT codes and payer guidelines to ensure accurate claim submission. Let’s first take a look at the difference...
For a dental practice, revenue cycle management is just as important as patient care. Daily dental billing and insurance coverage collections for the services rendered is the fuel that keeps a dental practice profitable. Accurate documentation, timely claims...
In dental practices, insurance verification sets the stage for efficient revenue cycle management. According to a Dentistry IQ article, dental insurance checks make up approximately 50% of practice income. However, verifying dental insurance is a labor-intensive and...