Importance of Verifying Dental Insurance Coverage For Porcelain Veneers

by | Published on Jun 9, 2022 | Podcasts, Dental Insurance Verification (P) | 0 comments

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One of the leading dental insurance verification companies in USA, Outsource Strategies International provides comprehensive support to verify patient eligibility before the scheduled office visit. Information that is verified includes effective coverage dates, waiting periods, maximums and deductibles, treatment history, benefits used to date, type of plan and fee schedule, coverage percentage by category, implant and orthodontic coverages, and more.

In today’s podcast, Amber Darst, one of our Solutions Managers, discusses the importance of verifying dental insurance coverage for porcelain veneers.

Podcast Highlights

00:14 What are Porcelain veneers?

01:06 Importance of insurance verification

Read Transcript

Hi, this is Amber Darst, Solutions Manager for Managed Outsourced Solutions, and for this podcast I will be discussing the importance of verifying dental insurance coverage for porcelain veneers.

00:14 What are Porcelain veneers?

Porcelain veneers are one of the most effective dental options to improve the cosmetic appearance of your teeth and achieve the smile your patients’ desire. Veneers are a porcelain cover that is placed over the front surface of healthy teeth to improve their color, shape and appearance. Veneers cannot be used for restoring badly failing teeth. Dentists will likely recommend crowns instead, if the patients have any decay, cracks or excessive wear. Porcelain veneers are inexpensive dental restoration and insurance coverage is generally not available for veneers that are placed for cosmetic reasons. Although rare, there are instances where insurance will pay towards this procedure if it can be proven to be medically necessary.

01:06 Importance of insurance verification

Knowing each dental insurance company’s policies by performing a thorough insurance verification for each patient in advance of their appointment is crucial for dental practices to understand the coverage for veneers and crowns and it also ensures that you will get the proper reimbursement for any treatment provided.

Outsourcing your dental billing to MOS can help keep your revenue flowing, while you focus on providing patients with the best options for their needs.

And that’s all. Thanks for listening in.

Amber Darst

Amber Darst is our Solutions Manager in the Healthcare Division, Practice and RCM. With a rich background in dental services, her expertise ranges from insurance coordination to office management.

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