Quality Transcription Service Provided for an Orthopedic Group

by | Posted: Jun 30, 2014 | Case Studies

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An orthopedic group inquired with us about our transcription service as their existing in-house team was not able to keep up with the growth. Quality was deteriorating due to the pressures; and the turnover, along with the burden of finding and training new help; they were simply not keeping up. Turnover time was impacted as well, with the commensurate grumbling of the providers.

Outsourcing seemed a solution, and they originally contracted with a local transcription service, but due to the volume and turnover needs, they quickly determined that a larger service was needed. OSI was discovered in a Google search.


After first determining that OSI had the resources to meet the demands, a free trial was offered to ensure the client of capability in accuracy and turnover. Trials work both ways as we are also able to be confident of meeting client expectations. Due to the demands and pressures, the client chose to begin quickly. After sending samples and templates, we were able to allocate the resources and begin sending files the next day.


With allocation of additional resources, we were able to catch up a one month’s backlog for the client in one week; and the client was very pleased with the quality. We exceeded expectations, which we like to do as much as possible.

As an added bonus, our pricing was 30% less than they had been paying, so this case certainly met our goal of win-win. We hope and expect this experience results in a long term relationship; another goal we have with our clients.

Outsource Strategies International

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