The Origin of Medical Coding

by | Published on Jan 31, 2008 | Medical Coding

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What is medical coding and who are medical coders? Well, everyone does know about the importance of medical data while providing quality healthcare service. The professional medical coders is one of the main person involved in the capturing of this critical and accurate medical data that needs to be delivered it in time.

During medical coding all verbal descriptions of diseases, injuries, and procedures are converted into numeric or alphanumeric designations. How did the medical coding originate? It was originally performed to classify mortality (cause of death) data on death certificates besides being used to classify morbidity and procedural data. Such type of coding is very useful especially as it helps us today to get easy access to medical records by diagnoses and procedures so that in can be used in,

  • Hospitals/clinics etc
  • Research work
  • Education

The federal government introduced The Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS) in October, 1983, for better management of medical care. Each patient was classified into a DRG (Diagnosis Related Group) depending on the information from the Medical Record that appears on the bill. Under PPS, hospitals are paid a pre-determined rate for each Medicare admission. Since then there has been a great deal more emphasis placed on medical coding.

At present assigning of medical codes is the backbone for reimbursement of claims for Medicare patients. Codes are given for diagnoses, services, and procedures provided. Thus healthcare providers today have to comply with different medical coding guidelines.

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Exploring the Origins and Impact of Medical Coding

Rajeev Rajagopal

Rajeev Rajagopal, the President of OSI, has a wealth of experience as a healthcare business consultant in the United States. He has a keen understanding of current medical billing and coding standards.

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