Why Outsource Anesthesiology Medical Coding?

by | Published on Mar 3, 2012 | Specialty Practices

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Coding for any specialty is a tedious affair and if the coder makes an unconscious error, it can lead to claim rejection and denied reimbursement. Expert handling of anesthesiology medical coding requires extensive experience in coding for the specialty, AAPC certification and knowledge and proficiency in the following areas:

  • ASA coding
  • CPT coding paradigm
  • Anesthesiology regulations
  • Obstetric and surgical coding rules
  • And more

Skills Required

The anesthesiology medical coder should be up-to-date in the following and other areas:

  • Changing regulations
  • Unbundling and bundling procedure modifications
  • Accurate Coding Initiatives
  • Federal/State government compliance problems
  • Payer specific requirements
  • HCPCS codes

He should know how to use advanced medical coding software and be capable of ensuring steady cash flow to the healthcare practice. Other requirements are HIPAA compliance, in-patient/hospital coding, superior QA, completion of coding on time, ability to use state-of-the-art technology and support of Medicare, Oxford, Medicaid, EMI, Aetna, United, GHI, Humana, BCBS, HIP and other key medical insurances.

Outsource and Gain

If you outsource anesthesiology coding to an established medical coding company, you can rest assured that they would satisy all the requirements mentioned above. Outsourcing would also help you save money because you wouldn’t have to spend money to set up equipment and employ or train new staff. Apart from the regular services, these are some of the additional medical coding services you can expect from your reliable outsourcing solution provider:

  • Temporary and ongoing coding coverage
  • Resolution of backlog situations
  • Coding compliance reviews

Rajeev Rajagopal

Rajeev Rajagopal, the President of OSI, has a wealth of experience as a healthcare business consultant in the United States. He has a keen understanding of current medical billing and coding standards.

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